Dataset: 1 arc second hillshaded digital elevation model



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme. This dataset was derived from Geoscience Australia, 1 second SRTM Digital Elevation Model (DEM) datasets. You can find a link to the parent dataset in the Lineage Field in this metadata statement. The History Field in this metadata statement describes how this dataset was derived.

Two shaded relief (hillshade) datasets were developed, mimicking the effects of sunlight on topography for map making purposes. This dataset provides options for Hillshade use derived from the 1 second DEM-s.

One dataset is named '1shillshade' and was created using an Azimuth of 300 degrees and an Altitude of 30 degrees.

The other dataset, named '1shs_45d_30e' was created using a sun Azimuth of 45 degrees and Altitude of 30 degrees


Provides identifiable visualisation of elevation and relief in maps for Bioregional Assessments. The two versions of data display different levels of relief and elevation depending on the topography of the region being viewed. It is the users responsibility to assess and assign the most appropriate version of hillshade to their map product.

Dataset History

Datasets were created from the 1 second DEM-s dataset (GUID: 9a9284b6-eb45-4a13-97d0-91bf25f1187b) in ArcCatalog version 10.0 using the Hillshade tool in the 3D Analyst toolbox.

The first dataset named '1shillshade' was created using a sun azimuth of 300 degrees and an altitude of 30 degrees as its tool parameters.

The second dataset, named '1shs_45d_30e' was created using a sun azimuth of 45 degrees and altitude of 30 degrees as its tool parameters.

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (XXXX) 1 arc second hillshaded digital elevation model. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 11 April 2016,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
