Dataset: Australian Crop Report: February 2018 No. 185


The report is a quarterly report with a consistent and regular assessment of crop prospects for major field crops, forecasts of area, yield and production and a summary of seasonal conditions on a state by state basis.

Key issues
• Harvesting of winter crops is largely complete across the country following a mixed season. Total winter crop production is estimated to have decreased by 36 per cent to 37.8 million tonnes in 2017-18. This is an upward revision of 8 per cent from the ABARES forecast published in the December 2017 Australian crop report. This largely reflects yields being better than anticipated in some regions following very favourable seasonal conditions during spring and early summer in these regions.
• Production is estimated to have fallen in 2017-18 for three major crops: wheat by 38 per cent to 21.2 million tonnes, barley by 33 per cent to 8.9 million tonnes and canola by 15 per cent to 3.7 million tonnes.
• Planting of summer crops is now largely complete and total area planted to summer crops is estimated to have increased by 3 per cent to 1.3 million hectares in 2017-18. This is a downward revision of 9 per cent from the forecast ABARES published in the December 2017 edition of Australian crop report. This revision reflects seasonal conditions in December and January that were unfavourable for the planting of grain sorghum.
• Area planted to cotton is estimated to have fallen by 10 per cent in 2017-18 to 500,000 hectares. Area planted to grain sorghum is estimated to be 501,000 hectares, an increase of 26 per cent from the small area planted in 2016-17. Late season planting of grain sorghum is expected to be minimal because of unfavourable seasonal conditions over the past three months. These conditions are also expected to adversely affect yields and production is forecast to fall to 1.5 million tonnes.

General Information
