Dataset: Kerbside Recycling Services


Based on Local Government Areas (CONTEXT_SDE.Local_Government_Areas) and supplemented with State Borders (CONTEXT_SDE.state_borders_100k) joined to LGA kerbside recycling data provided by Planet Ark.

The attributes for collection services indicate the existence of a service in that LGA.

No collection - There is no kerbside collection of this product in this LGA
Collected - Kerbside collection is available for the product in this LGA
Some collection - There is limited collection of the product in this LGA. The limitation may be based on geography, dwelling type or limitations based on the type of product
No data - We have not received data for this LGA
No local govt - There is no local government in this area i.e. unincoprorated areaRestricted
As per the PSMA LGA data, this data is available only to staff within the Department. The data is not to be made available in digital form to third parties. Permission has been granted from the vendor to use this data in approved on-line applications as a graphical background. Approval should be sort via an email to the gis-helpdesk prior to use in any online applications.
The data may contain inaccurate or incomplete information due to the passage of time, changing circumstances, sources used and the nature of collecting comprehensive geographic data, any of which may lead to incorrect results.

With the exception of some of the plastics, the data provided by Planet Ark has not been validated.

General Information
