Dataset: 2016 SoE Land Amount of deforestation by type and decade 1972-2014 excludes ACT


Data displaying the amount of deforestation (total, primary and regrowth) per decade, during 1972-2014, for all Australian states and territories (excluding the Australian Captial Territory).

The analysed data has been provided by Megan Evans (University of Queensland) - using information from the Australian National Greenhouse Accounts: Australian Land use, land use changes and forestry emissions projections to 2030. Australian Government (2013)

For further background information see: Evans, M.C. (2016) 'Deforestation in Australia: drivers, trends and policy responses' in Pacific Conservation Biology, 2016, 22, 130-150 (

This data has been used by the Department of Environment and Energy to produce graph at Figure LAN5 in the Land theme of the Australia State of the Environment 2016, available at

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