The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from data from a number of sources. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.
During the community consultation phase of the development of the asset database for the Gloucester subregion, representatives of the local councils (Port Stephens Council, Great lakes Shire Council and Gloucester Shire Council) identified a number of potential sites for consideration as assets under the Bioregional Assessments Programme, but were unable to supply spatial data for some of the assets that had been requested to be considered.
The dataset contains spatial representations of assets identified during community consultation phases, namely:
- Platypus (Asset database sourceCode: WAIT_ALA_ERIN)
- Oyster spat farm (courceCode: WAIT_ERIN)
- Allworth pool - a single polygon digitised from imagery based on a description from Great Lakes Council (sourceCode: Great Lakes Council)
- Sites of local significance (sourceCode: WAIT_Gloucester Shire Council) were sourced from the LEP spatial dataset (linked dataset "Standard Instrument Local Environmental Plan (LEP) - Heritage (HER) (NSW)", GUID fd1ff106-2f48-4bda-bfd1-a7206747c483).
To identify and incorporate community-identified assets into thje Gloucester subregion asset database.
**Platypus sites
Spatial data layer: GM_Platypus
As the platypus is not a listed threatened species under the EPBC Act, distributions have not been modelled by the Department of the Environment. Point locations were extracted from the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) database in June 2014. The points were then clipped to the Gloucester PAE, resulting in 33 spatial features (or BA "elements").
Data downloaded from the ALA is included in this dataset (GLO_AdditionalCommunityAssets\GLO_input_data\Platypus\Raw).
**Oyster spat farm
Spatial data layer: GM_Oyster
Local Councils identified an oyster farm near Allworth as an asset, but were unable to provide spatial data. Based on the verbal description provided at the workshop, ERIN used the geofabric v2.1 (GUID 5342c4ba-f094-4ac5-a65d-071ff5c642bc) to identify permanent water course areas near Allworth to create a polygon showing the conceptual spatial location of the oyster farm on the Karuah River.
**Heritage places of local significance (LEP)
Spatial data layer: GM_LEP_GLOSCouncil_LocalInterests
Places of state/local significance were provided by Gloucester Shire Council in the dataset "Standard Instrument Local Environmental Plan (LEP) - Heritage (HER) (NSW)" (GUID: fd1ff106-2f48-4bda-bfd1-a7206747c483). This dataset included sites from three LGAs: Gloucester Shire Council, Great Lakes Council and Port Stephens Council. Two (2) points of state significance were removed, as they were present in Commonwealth heritage data and had already been identified and included as assets. 28 points from 30 points in Great Lakes Council area were also removed, as they were not considered by the Council to be water-related. The remaining 48 features were incorporated into the Gloucester asset database.
**Local Significance from Great Lakes Council
Spatial data layer: GM_LEP_GreatLakesCouncil_LocalInterests
Three (3) point locations and relevant information were suggested by Great Lakes Council. Two of these features were identified in LEP spatial data provided by Gloucester Shire Council (see above). ERIN created a spatial representation for the final feature (Allworth Pool) by digitising a polygon based on the description provided by Great Lakes Council.
Bioregional Assessment Programme (2014) Gloucester - Additional assets from local councils. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 18 July 2018,
Derived From Standard Instrument Local Environmental Plan (LEP) - Heritage (HER) (NSW)
Derived From Geofabric Surface Cartography - V2.1