Dataset: Asset database for the Gloucester subregion on 8 April 2015



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

The Gloucester Asset List v6 for supersedes the previous version of the Asset List database, Asset list for Gloucester - CURRENT; 7000a82c-85f2-461a-ba35-9d7d1ba6d339.

The database has been updated to include new groundwater economic point assets (AID: 50000-50008)/elements and to turn off previous groundwater economic assets (AID: 117-123)/ elements. This dataset contains the spatial and non-spatial (attribute) components of the Gloucester subregion Asset List as one .mdb files, which is readable as an MS Access database and a personal geodatabase. Under the BA program, a spatial assets database is developed for each defined bioregional assessment project. The spatial elements that underpin the identification of water dependent assets are identified in the first instance by regional NRM organisations (via the WAIT tool) and supplemented with additional elements from national and state/territory government datasets. All reports received associated with the WAIT process for Gloucester are included in the zip file as part of this dataset. Elements are initially included in the preliminary assets database if they are partly or wholly within the subregion's preliminary assessment extent (Materiality Test 1, M1). Elements are then grouped into assets which are evaluated by project teams to determine whether they meet the second Materiality Test (M2). Assets meeting both Materiality Tests comprise the water dependent asset list. Descriptions of the assets identified in the Gloucester subregion are found in the "AssetList" table of the database. In this version of the database only M1 has been assessed. Assets are the spatial features used by project teams to model scenarios under the BA program. Detailed attribution does not exist at the asset level. Asset attribution includes only the core set of BA-derived attributes reflecting the BA classification hierarchy, as described in Appendix A of "GLO_asset_database_doc_20150408.doc ", located in the zip file as part of this dataset. The "Element_to_Asset" table contains the relationships and identifies the elements that were grouped to create each asset. Detailed information describing the database structure and content can be found in the document "GLO_asset_database_doc_20150408.doc" located in the zip file. Some of the source data used in the compilation of this dataset is restricted.

Dataset History

The Gloucester Asset List v6 for supersedes the previous version of the Asset List database. The database has been updated to include new groundwater economic point assets (AID: 50000-50008)/elements and to turn off previous groundwater economic assets (AID: 117-123)/ elements.

VersionID Date Notes

1.0 17/03/2014 Initial database

1.01 19/03/2014 Update classification using latest one

2.0 23/05/2014 Update asset area for some assets

3.0 9/07/2014 updated to include new assets and elements identified by community.

4.0 29/08/2014 updated assets and elements from WSP

5.0 4/09/2014 Table AssetDecisions is added to record decision making process and

                                       decisions about M2 are also added in table asset list

6.0 8/04/2015 195/9 Groundwater economic point elements/assets were added in while

                                       81/7 Groundwater economic point elements/assets were turned off

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2014) Asset database for the Gloucester subregion on 8 April 2015. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 18 July 2018,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
