Distribution: NBN - Broadband Service Footprints (March 2024)

Dataset: National Broadband Network


The data represented here was prepared as of 26 March 2024, and was provided by NBN Co to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (the Department). Data is provided on an "as is" basis and nbn makes no representation and provides no warranty that the data is accurate, complete, up to date or appropriate for any purpose, nor does nbn independently validate the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the data. The Department and NBN Co do not guarantee, and accept no legal liability whatsoever arising from or connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency, completeness or fitness for purpose of the data. The technology planned or delivered for premises or areas by NBN Co, and the availability of the NBN Co network at a premises, may be subject to change over time. This mapping information reflects the nbn Fixed Line footprint and Fixed Wireless footprint. The Fixed Wireless coverage shows the area where Location IDs are assigned to nbn Fixed Wireless as the default access technology based on a desktop prediction of network coverage. In practice, each new connection involves a technician performing a service qualification (SQ) to test whether there is sufficient signal at the premise to support a nbn Fixed Wireless connection. Failed SQs result in the assigned nbn access technology being changed to Satellite. Accordingly, the coverage map represents predicted coverage which is not always representative of actual coverage that can be achieved.

nbn Satellite coverage is across the landmass of Australia and Tasmania, but the nbn Satellite service is only available to eligible premises outside the nbn Fixed Line or Fixed Wireless footprints (subject to any technical limitations including topography). The map should not be used to check the availability of the nbn network at any particular premises. Users should refer to the most up to date information available on nbnco.com.au, or to contact their preferred retail service provider. Users are able to use the check address function on the nbn website to learn more about their nbn connection status and more: Check your address: https://www.nbnco.com.au/connect-home-or-business/check-your-address

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