Dataset: Women aged 18+ years who experienced sexual violence in past 12 months


This dataset relates to the number of women aged 18 years and over who experienced sexual violence in the previous 12 months by the relationship to all perpetrators (estimate).

Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data. Discrepancies may occur between sums of the component items and totals.

The definition of 'sexual violence' includes sexual assault and/or sexual threat.
'Cohabiting partner' includes current partner and previous partner.

'Boyfriend/girlfriend/date' relationships may have different levels of commitment and involvement that does not involve living together. For example, this will include persons who have had one date only, regular dating with no sexual involvement, or a serious sexual or emotional relationship. It excludes de facto relationships. This estimate has a relative standard error of 25% to 50% and should be used with caution.

'Other known person' includes all other known persons besides cohabiting partner and boyfriend/girlfriend/date.

Components are not able to be added together to produce a total. Where a person has experienced sexual violence by more than one type of perpetrator, they are counted separately for each perpetrator type but are counted only once in the aggregated total.

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics

General Information
