Dataset: CLM16gwl NSW Office of Water, GW licence extract linked to spatial locations in CLM v2 28022014



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme. This dataset was derived from multiple datasets. You can find a link to the parent datasets in the Lineage Field in this metadata statement. The History Field in this metadata statement describes how this dataset was derived.

The aim of this dataset was to be able to map each groundwater works with the volumetric entitlement without double counting the volume and to aggregate/ disaggregate the data depending on the final use.

This has not been clipped to the CLM PAE, therefore the number of economic assets/ relevant licences will drastically reduce once this occurs.

The Clarence Moreton groundwater licences includes an extract of all licences that fell within the data management acquisition area as provided by BA to NSW Office of Water.

Aim: To get a one to one ratio of licences numbers to bore IDs.

Important notes about data:

Data has not been clipped to the PAE.

Clarence Moreton worksheet links the individual licence to a works and a volumetric entitlement. For most sites, this can be linked to a bore which can be found in the NGIS through the HydroID. (National_Groundwater_Information_System_v1.1_Sept2013 GUID = e157b1cd-3cb7-4cf9-a13c-a6bed576b8c7). This will allow analysis of depths, lithology and hydrostratigraphy where the data exists.

We can aggregate the data based on water source and water management zone as can be seen in the other worksheets.

Data available:

Original Data: Any data that was bought in from NSW Offcie of Water, includes

Spatial locations provided by NoW- This is a exported data from the submitted shape files. Includes the licence (LICENCE) numbers and the bore ID (WORK_NUO). (Refer to lineage NSW Office of Water Groundwater Entitlements Spatial Locations).

Spreadsheet_WAL - The spread sheet from the submitted data, WLS-EXTRACT_WALs_volume. (Refer to Lineage NSW Office of Water Groundwater Licence Extract CLM- Oct 2013)

WLS_extracts - The combined spread sheets from the submitted data, WLS-EXTRACT . (Refer to Lineage NSW Office of Water Groundwater Licence Extract CLM- Oct 2013)

Processed Data: The two final products, includes

CLM_Draft - this includes cancelled licences and licences where the old licence has been replaced by a share component (essentially a repeat)

CLM_final- The final working linking all licences to bore IDs, removal of cancelled licences and licences that have been replaced in the new WaterAct. Also includes the volume of the licence per works

Aggregated share component to water sharing plan, water source and water management zone


No decision have been made in regards to what purpose of groundwater should be protected. Therefore the purpose currently includes groundwater bores that have been drilled for non-extractive purposes including experimental research, test, monitoring bore, teaching, mineral explore and groundwater explore

No volume has been included for domestic & stock as it is a basic right. Therefore an arbitrary volume could be applied to account for D&S use.

Licence Number - Each sheet in the Original Data has a licence number, this is assumed to be the actual licence number. Some are old because they have not been updated to the new WA. Some are new (From_Spreadsheet_WALs). This is the reason for the different codes.

WA/CA - This number is the 'works' number. It is assumed that the number indicates the bore permit or works approval. This is why there can be multiple works to licence and licences to works number.

Dataset History



  1. Original spread sheets from the licence extract ( GUID d9bd77b6-5bc3-4832-a212-0e8f5ba48076) have mulitple licence instances if there are more than one WA/CA (works) number. This means that there are more than one works or permit to the licence. The aim is to only have one licence instance.

  2. The individual licence numbers were combined into one column

  3. Using the new column of licence numbers, several vlookups were created to bring in other data. Where the columns are identical in the original spreadsheets, they are combined. The only ones that dont are the Share/Entitlement/allocation, these mean different things.

  4. A hydro ID column was created, this is a code that links this NSW to the NGIS, which is basically a ".1.1" at the end of the bore code.

  5. All 'cancelled' licences were removed

  6. A count of the number of works per licence and number of bores were included in the spreadsheet.

  7. Where the ShareComponent = NA, the Entitlement = 0, Allocation = 0 and there was more than one instance of the same bore, this means that the original licence assigned to the bore has been replaced by a new licence with a share component. Where these criteria were met, the instances were removed

  8. a volume per works ensures that the volume of the licence is not repeated for each works, but is divided by the number of works

Please refer to the Bioregional assessment data conversion script for methodology.

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2014) CLM16gwl NSW Office of Water, GW licence extract linked to spatial locations in CLM v2 28022014. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 28 September 2017,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
