Dataset: HUN Landscape Classification v04



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

This dataset contains polygon, line shapefiles and point representing thee Hunter terrestrial and riverine Landscape Classes respectively.

Between v02 and v03 some reformatting has taken place to make it suitable for use in the BAIP. Namely, the singlepart point landscape class has been re-issued as a mutlipoint shapefile. Also the singlepart versions of the polygon and line landscape classes are omitted in this dataset to avoid confusion. Lastly lc_id fields have been re-numbered so that each landscape class has a uniqiue ID withing the subregion. Note that because of this lc_ids in previous versions are obsolete and should be ingnored.

The lc_ids now run as follows:

polygon landscape classes 1- 21

line landscape classes 22 - 25

point landscape class 26

This version contains an additional shapefile (HUN_Forested_Wetlands_riverine_only_within_ZoPHC.shp) which represents the Landscape class "Forested Wetlands" extracted for the riverine sections within the Zone of Potential Hydrological Change.

Dataset History

The terrestrial Landscape class polygons are sourced directly from the from input polygon source datasets and clipped to the Hunter PAE (which is the same as the subregion boundary).

GDE landscape classes derive directly from the source NSW OoW GDE layer's Keith Form attribute, though the "Riverine Forests" Keith Forms are combined with the "Forested Wetlands" LC and the "Mangrove Swamps" and "Saltmarshes" Keith Forms are from this source are not used . Rather "Saline Wetlands" and "Seagrass" LCs are sourced from the Marcophytes input source data. The remaining LCs in the River and Estuarine LC_Group are sourced from the NSW_Wetlands 2006 data

The Economic Landuse LC_Group terrestrial LC polygons are mainly sourced from the ACLUM catchment landuse from the PRIMARY V7 classification, and retain the source class names except that "1 Conservation and natural environments" is renamed the "non-GDE Native Vegtation" LC. A further exception is the "Plantation and Production Forestry" LC. This is derived from the SECONDARY_V7 classification where:

"SecondV7" = '2.2 Production forestry' OR "SecondV7" = '3.1 Plantation forestry' OR "SecondV7" = '4.1 Irrigated plantation forestry'

the 4 input polygon layers were formatted and UNIONed. where there was overlap the Landscape class was taken in the following order of precedence:

1 DPI Estuarine Macrophytes (for Saline wetlands and Seagrass LCs)

2 OoW GDE mapping (for GDE group LCs)

3 NSW Wetlands 2006 (for remaining Coastal Lakes and Estuaries Group LCs)

4 ACLUM 2014 (for Plantation and production forestry LC)

5 GHM Vegetation mapping ( for nonGDE Native vegetation LC)

6 ACLUM 2014 (for remaining Economic group LCs)

The Riverine LC lines are derived directly from the Perreniality source dataset

The point Spring Landscape classes are sourced from the Assets database where the centroids of the 4 Spring Asset polygons were taken.

This version contains an additional shapefile (HUN_Forested_Wetlands_riverine_only_within_ZoPHC.shp) which represents the Landscape class "Forested Wetlands" extracted for the riverine sections within the Zone of Potential Hydrological Change.

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2016) HUN Landscape Classification v04. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 13 March 2019,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
