This dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.
These modelling nodes are a variety of locations, including ones that are: above major confluences; immediately below proposed coal seam gas (CSG) development projects; at surface water gauging stations; and close to the limit of tidal influence.
The surface water model nodes are used to provide a variety of reporting locations for streamflow predictions.
All the layers in the GDB are derived from the spreadsheet CLM-nodes.xls.
The geolocated records in the spreadsheet were used to create the point feature class CLM_RichmondRiver_nodes orig.
These nodes were snapped to flow accumulation paths to create CLM_RichmondRiver_nodes_GDA94_snapped and used in conjunction with the 9 sec Flowdirection grid (GUID: ebcf6ca2-513a-4ec7-9323-73508c5d7b93) to create the Watershed raster CLM_RichmondRiver_nodes_WS.
The raster was converted to a polygon feature class (CLM_RichmondRiver _nodes_Catchments), which was dissolved so that there was one record per catchment (CLM_RichmondRiver _nodes_Catchments_dslv) and then intersected with the climate cell layer (GUID: 3df5188b-f027-4d51-99a8-45e2800f29c8) to produce CLM_RichmondRiver_nodes_Catchments_x_ClimateCell and dissolved to get one record per unique catchment x climate cell combination (CLM_RichmondRiver_nodes_Catchments_x_ClimateCell_dslv).
The attribute table was then exported to CLM_Node_Catch_x_ClimateCell_LUT.csv and reformatting to create CLM_Node_Catch_x_ClimateCell_LUT.xls. This spreadsheet represents 240 gauge/node catchment x Climate cell combinations.
CLM_RichmondRiver_nodes_catchments_v1 was generated from CLM_RichmondRiver _nodes_Catchments with a value field added in order to symbolise the catchments in ArcMap.
Bioregional Assessment Programme (2015) CLM Richmond River basin surface water modelling domain. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 09 October 2017,
Derived From BILO Gridded Climate Data: Daily Climate Data for each year from 1900 to 2012
Derived From Climate model 0.05x0.05 cells and cell centroids
Derived From GEODATA 9 second DEM and D8: Digital Elevation Model Version 3 and Flow Direction Grid 2008
Derived From Mean Annual Climate Data of Australia 1981 to 2012