Dataset: Underway sensors: Enhanced measurements from Ships of Opportunity (SOOP)


The research vessels (RV Cape Ferguson and RV Solander) of the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) routinely record along-track (underway) measurements of near-surface water temperature, salinity, chlorophyll (fluorescence) and turbidity (NTU) during scientific operations in the tropical waters of northern Australia, particularly the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). All data records include sampling time (UCT), position (Latitude, Longitude) and water depth (under keel).

Data are recorded at 10 second intervals. Data are measured with a Seabird SBE21 thermosalinograph and Wetlabs ECO-FLNTU chlorophyll fluorometer/turbidity sensor. The turbidity data (NTU) are currently regarded as provisional in the absence of local validation due to intermittent bubble contamination. The sampling intakes are located at depths of 1.9m (RV Cape Ferguson) and 2.8m (RV Solander).

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