Dataset: Forest Productivity Index (Version 1.0 -Sept 2024 Release)


The Full Carbon Accounting Model (FullCAM) was developed to estimate greenhouse gas emissions and removals from the land sector, for inclusion in Australia’s National Greenhouse Gas Accounts produced annually. Forest Productivity Index (FPI) data is used within FullCAM during the modelling process, to incorporate the impact of climate variability on yields of woody biomass.

Knowledge of the spatial and temporal patterns of forest growth is fundamental to estimating the carbon stocks (and biomass) of mature forests and rates of carbon accumulation in any forest regrowth.

The FPI estimates forest growth using a simplified version of the 3-PG (Physiological Principles Predicting Growth) growth model, as described in Australian Greenhouse Office Technical Report No.23 (Kesteven et al. 2004). The growth model is based on the relationship between the amount of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by plant canopies (APAR) and various productivity modifiers that affect plant growth.

To create the FPI a wide variety of inputs are used including various soil and climate inputs as well as a normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI). The NDVI provides an estimate of vegetation health and a means of monitoring changes in vegetation over time and is one of the most common vegetation indices derived from remotely sensed data.

The product release contains 37 folder zip files which cover the continent of Australia. Each zip files holds 53 yearly FPI raster tif files of approximately 1km resolution on GDA94 from 1970 to 2022.

General Information
