The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.
This dataset includes the formation top grids (or in some instances formation base) of the alluvial, volcanic and sedimentary bedrock hydrostratigraphic grids. They are based on a three-dimensional geological model developed in GoCAD™ and SKUA™ (Paradigm Geophysical Pty Ltd, version 2009.4 and version 2014.1, respectively).
These layers are the binding surfaces (= formation tops or interfaces between different stratigraphic units) for the bioregion-wide three-dimensional geological model. These form the basis for the development of the volumetric three-dimensional geological model. The workflow for the model development is described in detail in Clarence-Moreton bioregional assessment product 2.1-2.2 (Raiber et al., 2016).
The sources for the binding surfaces are all geological data and digital elevation models (outlined in Raiber et al., 2016).
These include:
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) digital elevation model
Coal seam gas, petroleum and stratigraphic wells
Groundwater bores
Shapefiles of the extent of different stratigraphic units
A table of revised formation tops provided by Metgasco Limited
Grids of key formation tops (Richmond coal seams, Kangaroo Creek Sandstone, Gatton Sandstone and Koukandowie Formation) provided by Metgasco Limited
Grids of formation tops provided by the NSW Department of Trade and Investment for stratigraphic units including the Walloon Coal Measures, Koukandowie Formation and other deeper layers.
From these data sources, the 3D geological model was developed in GoCAD™ and SKUA™ (Paradigm Geophysical Pty Ltd, version 2009.4 and version 2014.1, respectively). An add-on on GoCAD, MIRA Mining utilities, was also extensively used.
Prior to use, all data were subjected to considerable data quality check. Interfaces such as those between the alluvium and the underlying volcanic or sedimentary bedrock are based primarily on data from groundwater bores. The data cleaning process and the steps involved in creating these interfaces is described in detail in Clarence-Moreton bioregional assessment product 2.1-2.2 (Raiber et al., 2016).
Bioregional Assessment Programme (XXXX) CLM bioregion 3D geological model. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 28 September 2017,
Derived From CLM - Bore water level QLD
Derived From QLD Coal Seam Gas well locations - 14/08/2014
Derived From CLM - Orara-Kangaroo bedrock
Derived From CLM - New South Wales Department of Trade and Investment 3D geological model layers
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Mount Lindsay
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Helidon
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Ipswich
Derived From CLM - Woogaroo Subgroup extent
Derived From Coal Bore Holes - QLD
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Toowoomba
Derived From CLM - Walloon Coal Measures spatial extent
Derived From CLM - Interpolated surfaces of Alluvium depth
Derived From CLM - New South Wales well completion reports
Derived From Geofabric Surface Catchments - V2.1
Derived From CLM - Stratigraphic wells in the QLD area of the Clarence-Moreton bioregion
Derived From CLM - Metgasco 3D geological model formation top grids
Derived From CLM - Queensland well completion reports
Derived From CLM - Coal Bore Holes in QLD region of Clarence-Moreton bioregion
Derived From CLM - DEM in ascii format
Derived From CLM - Main Range volcanics
Derived From CLM - Geology NSW & Qld combined v02
Derived From CLM - Orara-Bungawalbin bedrock
Derived From Qld 100k mapsheets - Warwick
Derived From Qld 100k mapsheets - Kingaroy
Derived From CLM - Extent of Bremer river and Warrill creek alluvial systems
Derived From CLM - Stratigraphic wells data from IRTM in the QLD area of the Clarence-Morton bioregion
Derived From CLM - Basalt extent
Derived From CLM - Koukandowie FM bedrock
Derived From CLM - Extent of Richmond river alluvial system May 6th 2014
Derived From CLM - Coal seam gas and petroleum wells
Derived From GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3, File Geodatabase format (.gdb)
Derived From CLM - Lamington volcanics
Derived From GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3
Derived From NSW Catchment Management Authority Boundaries 20130917
Derived From Geological Provinces - Full Extent
Derived From CLM - Gatton Sandstone extent
Derived From CLM - Extent of Richmond river alluvial system February 3rd 2015
Derived From CLM - Interpolated piezometric surfaces for Alluvium
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Allora
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Jandowae
Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v03
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Esk
Derived From CLM - Extent of Logan and Albert river alluvial systems
Derived From NSW Geological Survey - geological units DRAFT line work.
Derived From CLM - Qld Surface Geology Mapsheets
Derived From Clarence-Moreton SEEBASE & Structural GIS Project data.
Derived From CLM - NSW Surface Geology Mapsheets in the Clarence-Moreton bioregion
Derived From CLM - Richmond catchment boundary
Derived From CLM - Extent of Clarence River alluvial systems
Derived From CLM - Grafton-Piora bedrock
Derived From Hydstra Groundwater Measurement Update - NSW Office of Water, Nov2013
Derived From Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions 2010
Derived From Formation tops exploration wells
Derived From Qld 100k mapsheets - Beenleigh
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Caboolture
Derived From CLM - Extent of Lockyer Creek alluvial system
Derived From Qld 100k mapsheets - Murwillumbah
Derived From AHGFContractedCatchment - V2.1 - Bremer-Warrill
Derived From QLD Department of Natural Resources and Mines Groundwater Database Extract 20142808
Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v01
Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v02
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Inglewood
Derived From CLM - Grafton-Rapville bedrock
Derived From Qld 100K mapsheets - Oakey
Derived From Geoscience Australia, 1 second SRTM Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
Derived From CLM - Bore water level NSW