Dataset: RPS Galilee Hydrogeological Investigations - Appendix tables B to F (original)



This data and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.

Tables as taken from Appendix B to F of the - Galilee Basin: Report on the Hydrogeological Investigations, Prepared by RPS Australia PTY LTD for RLMS. PR102603-1: Rev 1 / December 2012

Dataset History

Tables supplied in .xlsx format as taken from Appendix B to F of the - Galilee Basin: Report on the Hydrogelogical Investigations, Prepared by RPS Australia PTY LTD for RLMS. PR102603-1: Rev 1 / December 2012

Data tables included are:

Table B-1 Summary of DERM registered water bores in the Galilee Basin

Table C-1 Summary of the Galilee Basin exploration bores recorded in QPED

Table D-1 Summary of the available Galilee Basin groundwater level data

Table E-1 Galilee Basin Water Quality Summary Table

Table F-1 Table of formation symbols for the geological map shown on Figure 3.1

The following is taken from the Executive Summary of the original report from which this dataset was supplied.

Data sources for this report include:

 Groundwater data available in the DERM GWDB;

 Petroleum exploration wells recorded in Queensland Petroleum Exploration Data (QPED);

 DERM groundwater data logger/tipping bucket rain gauge program;

 Springs of Queensland Dataset (version 4.0) held by DERM;

 PressurePlot Version 2 developed by CSIRO and linked to a Pressure-Hydrodynamics database; and

 Direct communication with GBOF members.

Data was sourced in January 2011. Since then there has been considerable additional drilling by GBOF members, which is not incorporated in this report. All data has been used by RPS as provided without independent investigations to validate the data. It is recognised that historical data may be subject to inaccuracies, however, as work progresses in the region, an improvement in data integrity should be realised.

Dataset Citation

RPS Australia East Pty Ltd (2012) RPS Galilee Hydrogeological Investigations - Appendix tables B to F (original). Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 07 December 2018,

General Information
