This dataset was supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and is presented here as originally supplied. Metadata was not provided and has been compiled by the Bioregional Assessment Programme based on the known details at the time of acquisition.
River cross sections for selected gauging stations in the Hunter subregion extracted from the PINNEENA CM-version 10.2 on DVD released in May 2014. The data is in a comma separated file (CSV). The relevant information contained in the CSV is as follows: Site, cross section ID, order (measurement), chain and level.
The cross-sections are used in river modelling to determine river reach volumes and gains (e.g. rainfall on river) and losses (e.g. leakage to groundwater, evapotranspiration from river).
The resource is used in the development of river system models.
This dataset was supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by the New South Wales Office of Water through the PINNEENA CM-version 10.2 on DVD released in May 2014, and are presented here as originally supplied.
Bioregional Assessment Programme (2015) HUN AWRA-L Site Station Cross Sections v01. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 13 March 2019,