Dataset: Queensland GAB monitoring bores 2008: Tabular data



This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.

This data set represents a subset of the Queensland Groundwater Database (GWDB) data, to include only those groundwater monitoring bores completed in aquifers of the Great Artesian Basin.

Dataset History

Queensland groundwater monitoring data, both water level and water quality, is stored within the Groundwater Database (GWDB) system. The new system is based on web technology and is available through the department's intranet. Allocation and use data is obtained through the Water Entitlements Registration Database (WERD) which is an electronic database for water license details. Both databases are managed locally at district level, with respect to the collection and entering of water monitoring, allocation and use data; and are accessed statewide.

Dataset Citation

Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management (2015) Queensland GAB monitoring bores 2008: Tabular data. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 27 September 2017,

General Information
