This data contains a subset of data that forms part of the Zone Maps of the Bundaberg Regional Council Planning Scheme 2015 (Version 5.1, effective 4/12/2020). The data identifies 20 zones covering residential, centre, industry, open space and other zones, and includes the following layers:
Zones - forms part of the Zone Maps of the Bundaberg Regional Council Planning Scheme 2015. The data identifies 20 zones covering residential, centre, industry, open space and other zones. Zones organise the planning scheme area in a way that facilitates the location of preferred or acceptable land uses. The Zone Codes at Part 6 (Zones) of the Planning Scheme identify the purpose of each zone, along with the assessment benchmarks and outcomes sought for each zone.
Community Facilities Zone Annotations - forms part of the Zone Maps of the Bundaberg Regional Council Planning Scheme 2015. Where a zone map provides an annotation for land included in the Community Facilities Zone, the annotation refers to the corresponding use as set out in the definition (Community facilities zone annotation) in Table SC1.2.2 (Administrative definitions).
Zone Precincts - forms part of the Zone Maps of the Bundaberg Regional Council Planning Scheme 2015. The data identifies the zone precincts within the Medium density residential zone, the Principal centre zone, the Limited development zone and the Rural residential zone.
This data is for the purpose of the Bundaberg Regional Council Planning Scheme 2015 only. Full documentation is available at For additional information please contact Council’s Development Group on 1300 883 699 or email