This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.
This dataset includes the works details from with surface water licences from NSW in the North and South Sydney region. The short guide to NSW Office of Water's licensing data has been provided to accompany the dataset (both the spatial locations and the associated licence details).
Using the supplied polygons a spatial select was taken for each polygon area for the Surface and Groundwater Approved Work locations. These Work Location points were exported to an ArcGIS 10.0 File Geodatabase for each polygon area. These work locations have a "Status" of either "Active" (under the Water Act) or "Current" (under the Water Management Act).
The Approved License number attached to each Work was then used to query the Office of Water's Water Licensing System (WLS) to extract details on each Approved license including any linked Water Access Licenses (WAL) if the Work was now under the Water Management Act (WMA). These files end in *_WLS-EXTRACT_n.xls.
If found the linked WAL number is used to re-query using WLS to extract details on each linked WAL. These files end in *_WLS-EXTRACT_n_WALs_volume.xls.
It should be noted that due to query size constraints in WLS the output files for each polygon area may be split into a number of subset files ("n" being the number of the subset).
The field headings are as per the WLS Extract report. They include some characters (e.g. "") that may cause problems if loaded into ArcGIS. Not knowing how the data is to be used I have not amended them.
Understanding Licensing data
A Licensed Work Approval may have more than work (and therefore work location, i.e. point) associated with it. If the Licensed Work Approval is under the old Water Act it may have associated with it an "Entitlement" volume (if on a Regulated River) or an "Allocation" volume in an unregulated area. Please note that these volumes are for the whole licensed approval distributed amongst the related works but not against any particular one.
A Licensed Work Approval, if under the newer Water Management Act may have more than one linked WAL. Each WAL may have a "Share Component" volume associated with it. This will nee to be summed against each linked Licensed Work Approval to get the total WAL volume. Please note again that these volumes are for the whole licensed approval distributed amongst the related works but not against any particular one.
It is important to note that under the WMA it is possible for WALs not to have a linked Licensed Work Approval (to support Water Trading). This means a spatial select with not find these WALs and the volumes associated with them. The WAL is still related to a particular Water Source and can be re-associated with a different Licensed Work Approval at a later date.
This dataset has been provided to the BA Programme for use within the programme only. Third parties may request a copy of the data from DPI Water (previously known as the NSW Office of Water) at
This dataset was extracted from the NSW Office of Water's licensing system. Work Location points were exported to an ArcGIS 10.0 File Geodatabase for each polygon area supplied by the Bioregional Assessment project teams for each area. Corresponding work locations found with each polygon were exported from the licensing system.
NSW Office of Water (2013) NSW Office of Water Surface Water Offtakes - North & South Sydney v1 24102013. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 18 June 2018,