Dataset: Threatened Species found in Strzelecki Desert, Western Dunefields Catchment Management Authority (CMA) sub-region



This dataset was sourced from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage by the Bioregional Assessment Programme. It did not include comprehensive metadata. The following metadata was written by the Bioregional Assessment team.

Species in the NSW part of the Cooper subregion (Strzelecki Desert subregion of the West Dunefields Catchment Management Authority) that are listed as threatened under NSW's Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.

Dataset History

This dataset was downloaded from the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage website:

Dataset Citation

NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (2015) Threatened Species found in Strzelecki Desert, Western Dunefields Catchment Management Authority (CMA) sub-region. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 05 July 2017,

General Information
