Dataset: Groundwater Entitlement NSW Office of Water 20150526 PersCom removed



This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.

[*[Note this is a restricted dataset for BA internal use only. ]*]

The following notes are supplied by the Author:

Attached is a zipped geodatabase of the Licensed GW works in all the PAE regions. Included is a spatial join version attaching the Subregion name to allow further processing.

  1. ....Water_Access_Licenses_shares - This is all the linked Access Licenses under the Water Management Act (STATUS = CURRENT) to the spatially selected licensed works (see under LINKED_TO_WA_CA) with their share component and WSP/Water Source names. Note not all licensed approvals have WALs and a license approval may have more than one WAL

  2. ....PT_entitlements - This all the Property Accounts that are linked to license approvals under the Water Act (STATUS=ACTIVE) with their entitlement. The number of these will vary greatly across the state depending on the progress of WSP conversion.. The spatial data has a PT field which can be used for joining.


These datasets have been provided by the NSW Office of Water as new Groundwater data extracts for BA Economic Elements on the 26-05-2015 for all GW entitlements in NSW PAEs (this includes Central West, Clarence Moreton, Gwydir, Namoi and Sydney Basin).

Please note separate extracts have been provided by NSW Office of Water for Hunter (ca620380-3d67-43bb-811a-3cafdf41056aand) and Glouster (5afdddd5-f5b5-42d1-8ca6-8db19ecf1fd3)

Dataset History

This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.

[*[Note this is a restricted dataset for BA internal use only. ]*]

These datasets have been provided by the NSW Office of Water as new GW data extracts on the 26-05-2015 for all GW entitlements in NSW PAEs

The following notes are supplied by the Author:

Attached is a zipped geodatabase of the Licensed GW works in all the PAE regions. Included is a spatial join version attaching the Subregion name to allow further processing.

  1. ....Water_Access_Licenses_shares - This is all the linked Access Licenses under the Water Management Act (STATUS = CURRENT) to the spatially selected licensed works (see under LINKED_TO_WA_CA) with their share component and WSP/Water Source names. Note not all licensed approvals have WALs and a license approval may have more than one WAL

  2. ....PT_entitlements - This all the Property Accounts that are linked to license approvals under the Water Act (STATUS=ACTIVE) with their entitlement. The number of these will vary greatly across the state depending on the progress of WSP conversion.. The spatial data has a PT field which can be used for joining.

Dataset Citation

NSW Office of Water (2015) Groundwater Entitlement NSW Office of Water 20150526 PersCom removed. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 18 June 2018,

General Information
