Dataset: Surat CMA private bores uses



This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.

List of private bores in the Surat Cummulative Management Area used in the 2012 groundwater model for the Surat Underground Water Impact Report 2012 (Surat UWIR). List details individual bores, which acquifers used and its purpose. This dataset includes a spreadsheet supplied by OGIA listing the RNs, assigned aquifer and formation, estimated usage, depth and purpose of groundwater bores in the Surat cumulative management area. It also , lists the OGIA model layer to which the bores are assigned.

Data is current up until April 2016.

Dataset History

Collection of data sources from the Queensland Government's QDEX database and Groundwater Database. As well as some analysis made based on furhter information by industry received by the Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment.

Dataset Citation

Queensland Office of Groundwater Impact Assessment (2012) Surat CMA private bores uses. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 25 October 2017,

General Information
