Dataset: NSW - CRA/RFA - Forests - Eden - National Estate - High Biodiversity


National Estate areas of high biodiversity is a polygon coverage derived from Eden vegetation mapping and 1km2 grid cells, developed as part of the assessment of the National Estate for the Eden Comprehensive Regional Assessment (CRA) process. The analysis was confined to vegetation types and no consideration was given to fauna.

This dataset has been assessed against the National Estate sub-criterion A3: Importance in exhibiting unusual richness or diversity of flora.

This is an archived dataset jointly owned by the Commonwealth Government and NSW Governments under the NSW Regional Forest Agreements (RFA) Data Agreement of 31 March 2000.This data is available to the public from the Department and may be used by third parties for unrestricted use provided that the copyright interests of the owners are protected.

Any reproduction of this dataset must carry the following statement:
Copyright Commonwealth of Australia and New South Wales Government 1997.
Departmental Deed

General Information
