Dataset: Selected streamflow gauges within and near the Gloucester subregion



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from the NSW Office of Water surface water database. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

This dataset shows the location of stream gauges within the Gloucester subregion. Site details such as the period of data collection, catchment area and elevation are attached as attributes. Timeseries streamflow data for these gauges are stored in separate datasets.


The dataset was used to identify locations of streamflow gauges.

Dataset History

The dataset was created using the NSW Office of Water surface water data. The data were imported into Arcgis using location information and a shapefile created from the selection of gauges identified as meeting the criteria. The processing steps are as follows

  1. Generate a shapefile using the gauge data obtained from the NSW Office of Water

  2. Select those gauges with streamflow data length more than 10 years since 1980 and save new shapefile

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (XXXX) Selected streamflow gauges within and near the Gloucester subregion. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 14 June 2016,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
