Dataset: Gloucester Coal Basin



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

Gloucester Coal Basin extracted from Australian Coal Basins data set - The data set is a shapefile.

The Coal Basin Outlines dataset is a combination of data from various sources displaying the best available (7 March 2013) coal basin extents for all of Australia. These extents were taken predominantly from the Australian Geological Provinces Database (extract from 4 November 2012 - see metadata statement below) with additional data coming from the Australian Sedimentary Basins Database (27 August 2012 update), State (South Australia) basin databases and hydrogeological basin databases.

The Australian Geological Provinces Database contains descriptions and spatial extents of the fundamental geological elements of the Australian continent and immediate surrounds. Captured province types include sedimentary basins, tectonic provinces such as cratons and orogens, igneous provinces, and metallogenic provinces. Spatial data has been captured largely at approximately 1:1M scale for best use at between 1:2M to 1:5M scale.

Where possible, provinces have been attributed with their age, contained lithostratigraphic units, relationships to other provinces, and geological history. The geological definition of some provinces, in particular certain sedimentary basins and orogens, is contentious. While every effort has been made to achieve a consensus interpretation of each province, scientific debate may still occur about the nature and extent of some provinces.

The total 2D spatial extent of most provinces in the database has been captured (ie, the full extent of a province under any overlying cover). The extent of outcrop of some provinces has also been captured. Where possible, the full extent outlines of provinces have been attributed with information about the source, accuracy, and observation method of those lines.

Dataset History

The following list shows which database each basin was derived from:

Australian Geological Provinces Database (4 November 2012): Arckaringa, Bowen, Clarence-Moreton, Cooper, Eucla, Galilee, Gippsland, Gloucester, Gunnedah, Marybourough, Mulgildie, Murray, Otway, Pedirka, Perth, Polda, Styx, Surat, Sydney and Tasmania basins

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2014) Gloucester Coal Basin. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 13 March 2019,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
