Dataset: QLD Exploration and Production Tenements (20140728)



This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.

The boundaries of exploration and production permits in Queensland. It includes Advertised Areas for Geothermal (ADG), Advertised Areas for Petroleum (ADP), Advertised Areas for Green House Gas (ADQ), Data Acquisition Areas (DAA), Exploration Permits for Coal (EPC), Exploration Permit for Geothermal (EPG), Exploration Permits for Mineral (EPM), Exploration Permits for Petroleum (EPP), Exploration Permits for Green House Gas (EPQ), Exploration Permit Special (EPS), Geothermal Leases (GL), Mining Claims (MC), Mineral Development Licence (MDL), Mining Leases (ML), Moratorium Areas for Exploration Permits for Minerals (MORM), Offshore Exploration Permits for Petroleum (OEP), Potential Commercial Areas (PCA), Petroleum Facilities Licence (PFL), Petroleum Leases (PL), Petroleum Pipeline Licences Centreline (PPL), Petroleum Pipeline Licences Area (PPLA), Petroleum Survey Licences (PSL).

Dataset History

The data is automatically updated nightly from the Department's MERLIN tenures system.

Dataset Citation

Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines (2014) QLD Exploration and Production Tenements (20140728). Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 12 December 2018,

General Information
