Dataset: New South Wales 2 kilometers Residential Exclusions Zone



This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.

Important Note: 14/01/2015. Since we generated these spatial layer datasets, the NSW Department of Planning and Environment has published an interactive CSG Exclusion Zone map. Interested parties should go to where they can find out more about CSG exclusion zones. The information in the Bioregional Assessment products aligns with the CSG exclusion zones as published by NSW and the subsequent publication of those NSW maps does not alter the information in our assessments.

The spatial layers developed by the Bioregional Assessment programme are not available to be downloaded.

It is a shapefile obtained from Trade & Investment NSW which shows the 2 km residential exclusion zones for CSG activities for whole of NSW.

Future Residential Growth Area Land has been identified in planning instruments or Government-endorsed planning strategies. It is proposed that coal seam gas activities will be prohibited in and within two kilometres of these areas.

Dataset History

Important Note: 14/01/2015. Since we generated these spatial layer datasets, the NSW Department of Planning and Environment has published an interactive CSG Exclusion Zone map. Interested parties should go to where they can find out more about CSG exclusion zones. The information in the Bioregional Assessment products aligns with the CSG exclusion zones as published by NSW and the subsequent publication of those NSW maps does not alter the information in our assessments.

The spatial layers developed by the Bioregional Assessment programme are not available to be downloaded.

A source shapefile obtained from Coal and Petroleum Geoscience, Division of Resources and Energy, Mineral Resources | Trade & Investment NSW

516 High Street | Maitland NSW 2320 | PO Box 344 | Hunter Region Mail Centre NSW 2310

Generated by NSW Department of Trade of Investment based on the current and future residential zones and by applying a buffer of 2 km around these zones.

Dataset Citation

NSW Department of Planning & Environment (2014) New South Wales 2 kilometers Residential Exclusions Zone. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 18 July 2018,

General Information
