Dataset: Historical Australian Government Contract Notice Data


This is the historical contract notice (CN) data reported by Australian Government
agencies for the years 1999 to 2020. The CN data has been sourced from
the Gazette Publishing System (GaPS) for the years 1999 to 2006-07, inclusive,
and from the AusTender from 1 July 2007 onwards.

Effective 1 July 2007, mandatory contract reporting was transferred to
AusTender . Notices of
contracts that were active at 1 July 2007 were migrated to AusTender and will
therefore appear in both databases. These records are identifiable on
AusTender by the GaPS ID reference. The reporting requirements for GaPS differed from those for AusTender reporting in terms of value thresholds, industry sector codes and contract confidentiality. For further information please contact the AusTender Help Desk at

The CN data reflects contractual information reported by entities in accordance with entities' procurement publishing obligations. Please note that the data contained within each file was correct at the time of extraction. Data may change over time as agencies undertake data quality assurance processes or as contract information is varied. The contract values on AusTender represent the total maximum value of each contract over its life, including where contracts span multiple years. AusTender data does not reflect annual expenditure.
There is a Data Dictionary available for AusTender Contract Notice information which provides a full list of all the Contract Notice dataset field names and explains the data type, whether it is mandatory, and contains a description to provide further context for the data.

New contracts and contract amendments published within the last eighteen (18) months can be found by perusing the weekly AusTender Contract Notice Export

Contracts reported on AusTender are categorised under the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) which is reviewed and updated periodically. The UNSPSC is selected by an entity when reporting a contract to reflect the primary purpose of the contract. Below is a list of goods and services category codes used by Australian Government agencies to code their open approaches to market and contracts awarded for publication on AusTender. Code numbers starting with the prefixes 43 a Information Technology, Broadcasting and Telecommunications and 81 a Engineering and Research and Technology Based Services apply in the main to Information and Communications Technology related contracts, primarily ICT goods and services respectively.

AusTender Contract Notice data is also available as an Application Programming Interface (API) which provides CN data in the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS) schema.

General Information
