Dataset: NSW Summary Basic Landholder Rights from Water Sharing Plans v1 20140618



This dataset was supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and is presented here as originally supplied. Metadata was not provided and has been compiled by the Bioregional Assessment Programme based on the known details at the time of acquisition.

A review of water rights in the asset register by NSW Office of Water noted that Basic Landholder Rights were omitted. This summary of Basic Landholder Rights from Water Sharing Plans was provided.

Basic Landholder Rights (BLR) are a replacement for Riparian Extraction. This change maintained the right of those adjacent to rivers, estuaries, lakes or aquifers underlying the land to extract water for domestic and stock use without a licence.

Definition of "Basic Landholder Rights"

Domestic and Stock Rights -An owner or occupier of a landholding is entitled,without the need for an access licence, water supply work approval or water use approval:

This does not authorise a landholder to construct a dam or water bore without a water supply work approval.

Domestic Consumption, in relation to land, means consumption for normal household purposes in domestic premises situated on the land.

Stock Watering, in relation to land, means the watering of stock being raised on the land, but does not include the use of water in connection with intensive animal husbandry.

As basic land rights are excluded from the licensing framework, they have to date not been included in the BA Assessments, including defining assets.

This dataset has been provided to the BA Programme for use within the programme only. Current water sharing plans are available from

Dataset History

The dataset summarised the Basic Landhlder Rights from water sharing plans available on

The data was provided on 18 June 2014. The word document extracts are included in the dataset which are extracted from the legal documents, as well as the summary of basic land rights for surface water & groundwater and native title where appropriate.

Where land rights and native title was provided as ML/day, this has been converted to ML/year for consistency.

This dataset has been manually transposed and therefore if errors are identified, please contact the metadata owner

Dataset Citation

NSW Office of Water (2014) NSW Summary Basic Landholder Rights from Water Sharing Plans v1 20140618. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 18 June 2018,

General Information
