Dataset: HUN Wallarah local update v01



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

The dataset consists of python code, images and csv files generated by the groundwater model for the Wallarah Mine region using local data instead of regional data. The dataset is a case study of how the results of the Hunter groundwater model based on regional parameters can be updated with local information. The dataset shows how the locally measured K values at Wallarah are generally in the low end of the range derived from the regional database. By only selecting model runs consistent with the local information, maps of dmax are generated incorporating local information.

Dataset History

The dataset 'HUN hydraulic properties' is used to derive spreadsheet 'HUN_hydraulicProperties.csv' which contains all available hydraulic conductivity values for the Hunter region. In addition Mackie et al. (2013) is used to gather the local measurements in spreadsheet 'Wallarah2_EIS_AppendixD1.csv' and 'HUN_Wal_EIS_K.csv'. The latter file are the hydraulic conductivities at a representative bore from the Mackie et al (2013) groundwater model. The K values in the HUN GW model for that representative bore are stored in 'HUN_Wal_MOOSE.csv'.

These files are used in python script' to generate boxplots of K values with depth. These are in files HUN_Wal_Hunterdata.png, HUN_Wal_Wallarahdata.png, HUN_Wal_Wallarahgwmodel.png, HUN_Wal_BAgwmodelregional.png and HUN_Wal_BAgwmodellocal.png.

Spreadsheet HUN_dmax_tmax_excprob_local_sel.csv contains the model nodes in the immediate vicinity of the Wallarah mine. These nodes are locally updated with python script This script also uses the input from the HUN GW Uncertainty Analysis dataset; HUN_DoE_Parameters (parameter combinations of design of experiment) and the corresponding HUN_GW_dmax_DoE_Predictions.csv and HUN_GW_tmax_DoE_Predictions.csv. HUN_dummy_points.csv is a set of dummy points to guide interpolation. The resulting values at interpolation nodes for visualisation are stored in HUN_dmax_interpolated.csv.


Mackie Environmental Research (2013) Wallarah 2 Coal Project Groundwater Impact Assessment, Report No. M7589/R6, February 2013 (Appendix I of Wallarah 2 Coal Project Environmental Impact Statement).

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2017) HUN Wallarah local update v01. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 18 June 2018,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
