Dataset: National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) Version 5.1 Lookup Table - Australia - Extant and Estimated Pre-1750 Vegetation Types Flat File


This table: NVIS5_1_LUT_AUST_FLAT is a lookup table containing NVIS Version 5.1 vegetation descriptions in a simpler, deconstructed table, allowing for improved analyses and use of the NVIS detailed vegetation descriptions. The table contains a total of 10,774 NVIS vegetation types.

For complex analyses and to extract maximum information from NVIS spatial data, this LUT can also be linked to NVISDSC1-6.

This LUT is a deconstruction of the Level 5 string within the NVIS detailed data (for NVIS Level 1-6 strings use NVIS5_1_LUT_AUST_DETAIL) where provided by the state/territory (not all veg descriptions have Level 5 & 6).

It is recommended that users refer to the Australian Vegetation Atrribute Manual V7.0 for understanding of the NVIS hierarchy (Level 1-6 descriptions) and structural information -

A legend or 'shadeset' for the MVGs and MVSs can be found packaged with the detailed vector data:

This table joins to the NVIS 5.1 spatial data for all states and territories (NVIS_ID in this table to NVISDSC1 in NVIS5_1_EXT_ and NVIS5_1_PRE_ ). For complex analyses and to extract maximum information from NVIS spatial data, this LUT can also be linked to NVISDSC2-6.

Once this table has been joined, a simple display option is to use the field "NVIS5_1_LUT_AUST_FLAT.MVG_NAME" (or MVS_NAME if preferred) which includes the names of the NVIS Major Vegetation Groups (MVGs) [most of] which are described at:

Use the field "MVG_NUMBER" or "MVS_NUMBER" for the symbology.CC - Attribution (CC BY)
This data has been licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. More information can be found at

You are free to:
Share - copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the material

for any purpose, even commercially.
You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

Users should recognise that Levels 1 to 4 of the NVIS Hierarchy were generated automatically and are not always satisfactory for analyses. Also, Levels 5 and 6 are sometimes incomplete for a given region - i.e. spatial and/or attribute "gaps" exist in the data.

To avoid these problems and ensure the data can be used for continental and regional analyses, the MVG and MVS classifications and products were developed with additional manual interpretation and additional non-NVIS data interpreted direct to MVG/MVS.

This version was based on new NVIS data from Tasmania and further gapfill work completed for NSW. Collection scale, more-detailed vegetation floristic and structural data and/or more-consistent interpretations have been improved for many parts of Australia. Therefore, it would not be valid to compare this version quantitatively with earlier version(s) of NVIS.

Non-vegetation and non-native vegetation major vegetation classes are not to be used in quantitative analyses.
© Commonwealth of Australia (Department of the Environment and Energy) 2018.

General Information
