Dataset: MBC Impact and Risk Analysis Database v01



The Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine Impact and Risk Analysis Database (Analysis Database) is a fit-for-purpose geospatial information system developed for the Impact and Risk Analysis (Component 3-4) products of the Bioregional Assessment Technical Programme (BATP).

The version provided here for public download has been slightly modified to remove restricted material such as the co-ordinates of protected or threatened species. This version was used to populate BA Explorer.

The Analysis Database brings together many of the data sets used in Components 1 and 2 of the assessments and includes hydrology and hydrogeology modelling results, landscape classes and economic, sociocultural and ecological assets. These data sets are listed in the Component 1 and 2 products under the Assessments tab in

An Analysis Database of common design and schema was implemented for each subregion where a full Impact and Risk Analysis was completed. To populate each database, input datasets were transformed, normalised and inserted into their respective Analysis Databases in accord with the common design and schema. The approach enabled the universal treatment of data analysis across all bioregions despite data being of different specifications and origins.

The Analysis Database includes all the data used for the assessment of the subregion with the exception of those datasets that were not provided to the program with an open access licence. The database is constructed using the Open Source platform PostgreSQL coupled with PostGIS. This technology was considered to better enable the provenance and transparency requirements of the Programme. The files provided here have been prepared using the PostgreSQL version 9.5 SQL Dump function - pg_dump.

A detailed description of the Analysis Database, its design, structure and application is provided in the supporting documentation:


The Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine Impact and Risk Analysis Database (Analysis Database) is the geospatial database for completing the Impact and Risk Analysis component of the Maranoa-Balonne-Condamine Bioregional Assessment. This includes the creating of results, tables and maps that appear in the relevant Products of each assessment. The database also manages the data used by the BA Explorer.

An individual instance of the Analysis Database was developed for each subregion where a component 3-4 Impact and Risks Assessment was conducted. With the exception of the subregion-specific data contained within it and the removal of restricted data records, each analysis database is of identical design and structure.

Dataset History

This Analysis Database is an instance of PostgreSQL version 9.5 hosted on Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 4.8.5-4. PostgreSQL geospatial capabilities are provided by POSTGIS version 2.2.

Data pre-processing and upload into each PostgreSQL database was completed using FME Desktop (Oracle Edition) version 2016.1.2.1. Analysis data and results are provided to users and systems via the geospatial services of Geoserver version 2.9.1. Scientific analysis and mapping was undertaken by connecting a range of data using a combination of Microsoft Excel, QGIS and ArcMap systems.

During the Programme and for its working life, the Analysis Database was hosted and managed on instances of Amazon Web Services managed by Geoscience Australia and the Bureau of Meteorology.

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2017) MBC Impact and Risk Analysis Database v01. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 25 October 2017,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
