The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from the HUN AWRA-LR Model v01 dataset. The source dataset is identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.
The dataset consists of a collection of scripts that generate graphs, tables and plots reported in the HUN 2.61 product. They draw on the output of the Hunter surface water model to derive metric, parameters and time series plots relating to the surface water systems of the Hunter subregion.
HUN-2614-003 - AWRAR_Two_calibrations_9HRVs.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2614-004 - Calibration_stats_E_01_E1_D_M.mat (generates the data for table)
HUN-2614-006 - AWRAR_Two_calibrations_9HRVs.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2614-007 - AWRAR_SIMULATION_STEP3_Two_calibrations_E_01_and_E1_D_M.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2614-008 - AWRA_R_calibration_plots_summary_calibration_goulburn.m, AWRA_R_calibration_plots_summary_calibration_goulburn_lowflow.m (two scripts, then the figure is collated using PowerPoint)
HUN-2614-009 - AWRAR_Calibration_stats_E_01_E1_D_M_reaches_F_final.mat (mat file with tabulated data, file created with script in HUN-2614-007)
HUN-2614-010 - AWRAR_Two_calibrations_9HRVs_only_reaches.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2614-011 - AWRAR_irrigation_calibration.m (creates the csv file)
HUN-2614-014 - AWRAR_dam_calibration.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2614-015 - Plots_for_report_dams_HRSTS.xlsx (tab allocations, these come from the AWRA-LR model and were manually copied)
These scripts were written perform specific data extractions and manipulations of surface water model outputs used to generate a series of figures used in the Hunter 2.61 product. the following lists the element number(s) and the script(s) used to generate them:
HUN-2613-006 - climate_timeseries.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2613-006 - MineFootprint_TimeSeries_Fontsize_adjusted.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2614-007 - AWRAR_SIMULATION_STEP3_Two_calibrations_E_01_and_E1_D_M.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2614-008 - AWRA_R_calibration_plots_summary_calibration_goulburn.m, AWRA_R_calibration_plots_summary_calibration_goulburn_lowflow.m (two scripts, then the figure is collated using PowerPoint)
HUN-2614-009 - AWRAR_Calibration_stats_E_01_E1_D_M_reaches_F_final.mat (mat file with tabulated data, file created with script in HUN-2614-007)
HUN-2614-010 - AWRAR_Two_calibrations_9HRVs_only_reaches.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2614-011 - AWRAR_irrigation_calibration.m (creates the csv file)
HUN-2614-014 - AWRAR_dam_calibration.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2614-015 - Plots_for_report_dams_HRSTS.xlsx (tab allocations, these come from the AWRA-LR model and were manually copied)
HUN-2616-002 - Boxplotting_HUN_MTL_9HRV_Constraint_GW_10PerBest.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2616-003 - Boxplotting_HUN_MTL_9HRV_Constraint_GW_10PerBest.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2616-004 - Boxplotting_HUN_MTL_9HRV_Constraint_GW_10PerBest.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2616-005 - Boxplotting_HUN_MTL_9HRV_Constraint_GW_10PerBest.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2616-006 - Boxplotting_HUN_MTL_9HRV_Constraint_GW_10PerBest.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2616-007 - Boxplotting_HUN_MTL_9HRV_Constraint_GW_10PerBest.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2616-008 - Boxplotting_HUN_MTL_9HRV_Constraint_GW_10PerBest.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2616-009 - Boxplotting_HUN_MTL_9HRV_Constraint_GW_10PerBest.m (creates the plot)
HUN-2616-010 - Boxplotting_HUN_MTL_9HRV_Constraint_GW_10PerBest.m (creates the plot)
Bioregional Assessment Programme (XXXX) HUN AWRA Plot Scripts v01. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 07 June 2018,
Derived From River Styles Spatial Layer for New South Wales
Derived From HUN AWRA-L simulation nodes_v01
Derived From HUN AWRA-R River Reaches Simulation v01
Derived From HUN AWRA-R simulation nodes v01
Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v06
Derived From GEODATA 9 second DEM and D8: Digital Elevation Model Version 3 and Flow Direction Grid 2008
Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v04
Derived From HUN AWRA-R Gauge Station Cross Sections v01
Derived From Gippsland Project boundary
Derived From Natural Resource Management (NRM) Regions 2010
Derived From BA All Regions BILO cells in subregions shapefile
Derived From Hunter Surface Water data v2 20140724
Derived From Hunter River Salinity Scheme Discharge NSW EPA 2006-2012
Derived From Hunter Surface Water data extracted 20140718
Derived From GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3, File Geodatabase format (.gdb)
Derived From Bioregional_Assessment_Programme_Catchment Scale Land Use of Australia - 2014
Derived From GEODATA TOPO 250K Series 3
Derived From NSW Catchment Management Authority Boundaries 20130917
Derived From Geological Provinces - Full Extent
Derived From BA SYD selected GA TOPO 250K data plus added map features
Derived From HUN AWRA-R Irrigation Area Extents and Crop Types v01
Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v03
Derived From IQQM Model Simulation Regulated Rivers NSW DPI HUN 20150615
Derived From HUN AWRA-R calibration catchments v01
Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v05
Derived From BILO Gridded Climate Data: Daily Climate Data for each year from 1900 to 2012
Derived From National Surface Water sites Hydstra
Derived From Selected streamflow gauges within and near the Hunter subregion
Derived From HUN AWRA-L simulation nodes v02
Derived From ASRIS Continental-scale soil property predictions 2001
Derived From Mean Annual Climate Data of Australia 1981 to 2012
Derived From HUN AWRA-R calibration nodes v01
Derived From HUN AWRA-R Observed storage volumes Glenbawn Dam and Glennies Creek Dam
Derived From HUN AWRA-LR Model v01
Derived From HUN AWRA-L ASRIS soil properties v01
Derived From HUN AWRAR restricted input 01
Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v01
Derived From Bioregional Assessment areas v02
Derived From Victoria - Seamless Geology 2014
Derived From HUN AWRA-L Site Station Cross Sections v01
Derived From HUN AWRA-R simulation catchments v01
Derived From HUN AWRA-R Simulation Node Cross Sections v01
Derived From Climate model 0.05x0.05 cells and cell centroids