There are four files containing the data displayed in the BITRE Congestion Report, three csv files and one geojson. The file containing route parameters can be found at the github repository at
The three files are:
route_metrics.csv: Containing summary data on each route, with the fields
route_name - name of route in report
min median travel time - the lowest median travel time (by hour) for the route
max median travel time - the highest median traveltime (by hour) for the route
Peak time to best ratio - The ratio of longest to shortest median time
min iq travel time - the interquartile range width for the hour in which is was most narrow
max iq travel time - the interquartile range width for the hour in which is was most wide
Peak iq to best ratio - the ratio of the widest to most narrow iq ranges
min median travel hour - the hour of day (from 0 to 23) when median travel times were least
max median travel hour - the hour of day (from 0 to 23) when median travel times were greatest
min iq travel hour - the hour of day for which the iq range was narrowest
max iq travel hour - the hour of day for which the iq range was greatest
total obvs - the number of vehicle observations used to calculate all time
Mean excess time ratio - the arithmetic mean of the ratio, by hour, of travel times to the best travel time
Mean excess time ratio - weighted - the arithmetic mean of the ratio, by hour, of travel times to the best travel time, weighted by observations in that hour - hour of the day (from 0 to 23)
Mean excess iq ratio - the arithmetic mean of the ratio, by hour, of iq ranges to the best iq range
Mean excess iq ratio - weighted - the arithmetic mean of the ratio, by hour, of iq ranges to the best iq range, weighted by observations in that hour
distance - the length of the route in metres
route_times.csv: Containing data for each hour, as graphed in the report, with the fields
route_name - name of route
hour - hour of the day (from 0 to 23)
LQ_est - the travel time at the lowest quartile of speeds (that is the upper quartile of travel times) in seconds
med_est - the travel time at the median travel speeds in seconds
UQ_est - the travel time at the upper quartile of speeds (that is the lower quartile of travel times) in seconds
LQ_est_char, med_est_char, UQ_est_char - the above but in human readable format
n_obvs - the number of vehicle observations used to caculate the speeds for that hour
segment_summary.csv: containing summaries of the segments and their speeds used to calculate travel times
route_name - the name of the route this data was generated for
osm_id - an Open Street Map unqiue indentifier, valid at least at time of publication. A segment may appear in more than one route.
hour - hour of day (from 0 to 23)
n_obvs - the number of vehicle observations available for that hour and segment. This may be 0 in some cases in which case alternate methods were used to assume a distribution of speeds
speed_limit - the speed limit. This report assumes all vehicles obey the speed limit. This was taken from OpenStreetMap where available and assumed based on road class and observed speed in others.
UQ - the upper quartile of speed (kph)
median - the median speed (kph)
LQ - the lower quartile of speed (sph)
distance - the distance traversed on this segment by the route - a segment may be used for different lengths on different routes
The file geometries.geojson contains only whole route geometries. Individual segments can be obtained from OpenStreetMap.