Centres of endemism were defined as places which include a number of endemic species where >50% of its natural distribution is wholly confined to the Eden Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) region, with the remaining populations occurring only in adjacent regions.
The analysis is confined to flora as there is no vertebrate fauna known to be endemic to the Eden region. Invertebrate fauna was not considered.
This dataset has been assessed against the following National Estate sub-criterion: A1: Importance in the evolution of Australian flora, fauna, landscapes or climate.
National Estate Centres of Endemism is a shapefile derived from flora point locality data and 1 km grid cell data.
This is an archived dataset jointly owned by the Commonwealth Government and NSW Governments under the NSW Regional Forest Agreements (RFA) Data Agreement of 31 March 2000.This data is available to the public from the Department and may be used by third parties for unrestricted use provided that the copyright interests of the owners are protected.
Any reproduction of this dataset must carry the following statement:
Copyright Commonwealth of Australia and New South Wales Government 1997.
Departmental Deed