Dataset: Map of Critically Endangered Ecological Communities NSW Version 3 20150925



This data and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are represented here as originally supplied.

These map data contain a subset of NSW & Commonwealth listed Critically Endangered Ecological Communities (CEEC) within NSW. This version (version 3) replaces previous versions. Version 1 only contained NSW CEECs. Further details regarding the updating of previous versions are provided under Lineage. This composite map was derived from the extraction of relevant vegetation map units contained in a variety of existing vegetation maps held in the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) VIS (Vegetation Information System) Map Catalogue. Please note that not all Listed CEECs are currently represented in this dataset. Reasons include: 1. the CEEC has not yet been mapped; 2. the CEEC has been mapped but the source data are not yet openly available (see Supplemental Information for details). Further CEECs may be added in future versions of this dataset. Note, there is no formal process in place to guarantee correction in the source maps that are transferred to this composite map product. Ecological communities are included in the critically endangered category of the Threatened Species Conservation Act, 1995, if they are facing an extremely high risk of extinction in NSW in the immediate future. Critically Endangered is also a category under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, 1999.


These data have been compiled to provide a machine readable flag for the likely occurrence of a Critically Endangered Ecological Community at a location. This data was initially complied by OEH for use in NSW Rural Fire Service planning and assessment tools, But has broader application.

Dataset History

Additional metadata

It is expected that further CEECs will be added to these data. All source map datasets are referenced in the attribute table of this data layer. All source datasets are are identified with a VIS-ID number, and can be downloaded from the OEH Open Data Portal. The following CEECs (NSW) have not been included. Please contact the data custodian for access: 1. Hygrocybeae Community of Lane Cove Bushland Park in the Sydney Basin Bioregion - not mapped (contact Lane Cove Council) 2. Kincumber Scribbly Gum Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion - contact Gosford City Council In addition, whilst the following CEECs are included in this version, the spatial coverage may be extended by additional mapping data, as listed below: 1. Blue Gum High Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion - Lane Cove LGA (contact Lane Cove Council); Hornsby Shire (contact Hornsby Shire Council) 2. Shale Sandstone Transition Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion - Blue Mountains LGA (contact Blue Mountains City Council); Hornsby Shire (contact Hornsby Shire Council) Attributes: Orig_MapUnitCode - map unit identifier from source map Orig_MapUnitName - map name identifier from source map CEEC_NSW - LUT (yes/no); indicates whether a map unit is a CEEC (NSW) CEEC_EPBC - LUT (yes/no); indicates whether a map unit is a CEEC (Commonwealth) CEEC_NSW_Name - NSW CEEC name CEEC_EPBC_Name - EPBC CEEC name Comments - indicates if the source map unit was also shown as a TEC in the source data attribute table RFS1050 - LUT (yes/no); indicates if a map unit is specified under RFS 10/50 code

Dataset Citation

NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (2015) Map of Critically Endangered Ecological Communities NSW Version 3 20150925. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 18 June 2018,

General Information
