Dataset: Cartographic mask for Coongie Lakes National Park



This dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme. The parent dataset is identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

This dataset contains a polygon shapefile which can be applied, in a cartographic context, to mask out the area outside the Coongie Lakes National Park.

Dataset History

This dataset was created from the following methodology:

  1. Created arbitrary rectangular polygon shapefile extending beyond the boundaries of the Coongie Lakes National Park

  2. Selected where 'AssetName' = 'Coongie Lakes National Park' from COO_asset_database_20150327.mdb (GUID: a9ff5fc2-00c0-4da5-91af-94def934243)

  3. Erased polygon from step 1 with polygons defined by step 2

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2015) Cartographic mask for Coongie Lakes National Park. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 09 October 2017,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
