Dataset: MBC economic bores drawdown by aquifer layer



This dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

This dataset was created to extract drawdown values for economic bores in the MBC subregion for corresponding aquifer model layers. Bores included those held in the MBC Asset Database (element bore point) and additional bores used in the OGIA groundwater model (UWIR bores). Drawdown statistics were therefore related to the specific aquifer in which bores were located as this did not necessarily coincide with the uppermost formation of the regional water table aquifer.

Dataset History

Element points AUID for FAE, join AssetList, join tbl_EconomicQLD, fliter by economic, water dependent, subsurface, total bores = 3537

To assign bores to aquifer/model layer:

Join UWIR (OGIA model) bores by HydroID/RN to give model layer (3333 of 3537 match, 204 do not).

For 204 with no UWIR bore records, layer 1 was assigned using AssetDB groundwater management zone query: Management IN ( 'Central Condamine Alluvium Groundwater Management Area', 'Oakey Creek Groundwater Management Area', 'Toowoomba City Basalts Groundwater Management Area', 'Toowoomba Groundwater Unsupplemented', 'Upper Hodgson Creek Groundwater Management Area', 'Warwick (War) Groundwater Unsupplemented') resulting in 135 of 204 bores assigned to layer 1.

Further 24 bores assigned aquifer/layer based on QDRM data. Remaining 45 bores assigned to regional watertable (i.e. uppermost aquifer at bore location).

Economic asset bore drawdown:

Element bore points with layer numbers used to extract values from corresponding drawdown rasters (layers 1,3,5,7/8,10,12).

Element bores in regional watertable:

Manual process of selecting bores in each layer and filtering out those where the bore layer does not match the regional watertable aquifer layer, generated 8 feature classes Element_Bores_rwt_L1 (L2, L3, L4, L5, L78, L10, L12) (2440+44+27+1+33+8+9+5=2567 bores in RWT) that were merged into one layer of economic asset bores in RWT.

UWIR (OGIA model) bores assessment unit table:

UWIR bores were imprinted with corresponding assessment unit identifier.

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2016) MBC economic bores drawdown by aquifer layer. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 25 October 2017,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
