Dataset: Northern Inland Catchments - Alluvial Aquifer Contours



This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.

ContourNSWAlluvium_v01.shp - Watertable contour of the alluvium aquifers in Northern NSW

ContourStGeorgeLowerAlluvAquifer_v01.shp - Lower alluvial aquifer thickness contours (metres)

ContourDeuterium_v01.shp - Dueterium measurements from flowing artesian bores in the Pilliga Sanstone, measured in δ2H 0/00


Contours of water level measurements in the Quaternary alluvial aquifer in the Surat Basin demarcate areas where water levels in the Quaternary alluvium are higher than the regional watertable in the uppermost GAB aquifer, and areas where the GAB regional watertable is coplanar with or higher than the water levels in the alluvium.

Dataset History

Dataset Citation

Geoscience Australia (2014) Northern Inland Catchments - Alluvial Aquifer Contours. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 29 September 2017,

General Information
