This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.
This dataset is a GIS layer of Victorian groundwater-surface water interaction data clipped to the Gippsland region.
Groundwater generally interacts with surface water through various processes and pathways. The development of ground water often has impacts on surface streams and visa versa. The data results from an assessment of the SW-GW interaction across the study area. The data describes GW and SW interaction in four broad classes : neutral/losing, gaining, variable and unclassified. The Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric Surface Hydrology Catchments dataset was used as the base layer for considering surface water as an asset. This dataset provided mapped major rivers for Victoria. Numerous investigations into the interaction between groundwater and surface water have occurred across Victoria. Where this information was available in a format suitable for use in a GIS, it was collated to inform a state wide dataset of groundwater and surface water interaction. The resulting product attributes the stream base layer (described above) with the following classification of groundwater and surface water interaction: Gaining//Variable//Neutral/Losing//Unclassified
GIS data based on DSE, 2012. Victorian groundwater-surface water interaction spatial data. Compiled for the Secure Allocation, Future Entitlements (SAFE) Project by the Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria.
The method used to generate the dataset of groundwater and surface water interaction in Victoria can be summarised as: (1) Where a hydrogeochemistry study by Monash University was available to provide an indication of groundwater and surface water interaction it was adopted with high reliability; (2) Where a Murray-Darling Basin sustainable yields groundwater and surface water interaction study was available, it was adopted with medium reliability; (3) Where Melbourne Water Corporation (MWC) had indicated river reaches characterised by remnant pools of water in prolonged drought, this was considered to be indicative of gaining river conditions, with medium reliability; (4) Where a baseflow indices study was available, it was indicative of a gaining river reach and assigned medium reliability; (5) Where no other information existed and the river was classified as "unmodified", it was assumed to be gaining if it was perennial and neutral/losing if it was not perennial. These river reaches were assigned a low reliability; (6) Where no other information existed and the river was classified as "modified", an indication of groundwater-surface water interaction could not occur, given that the modification of flows could be responsible for the perenniality of the river reach, as opposed to being indicative of losing or gaining groundwater; (7) A reliability dataset was also generated that indicates the assumed reliability of the classification, which was directly correlated to the reliability of the input data.
Bioregional Assessment Programme (XXXX) Gippsland region clip of Victorian groundwater-surface water interaction. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 05 October 2018,