Dataset: Australian Mineral Deposits



This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.

These data represent the OZMIN Oracle relational database containing geological and resource information for Australian mineral deposits. OZMIN has been compiled from published references and has been designed so that attribute information can be retrieved and analysed in relation to spatial data contained in geographic information systems. The national mineral deposits dataset contains data on over one thousand major and historically significant mineral deposits for 60 mineral commodities (including coal).

Extracted from the Australian Mines Atlas - 24 July 2013

Dataset History

The data within this dataset is derived directly from the corporate ORACLE OZMIN Mineral Deposits database. An ASCII extraction of the Geoscience Australia ORACLE database is generated as ASCII comma-delimited files for each table that is part of or used by the OZMIN database. Only data that is part of the current release of OZMIN (Release 3 - October 2000) is included. An MS ACCESS database format is also replicated from the ORACLE database and uses the same table structure. Only data that is part of the current release of OZMIN (Release 3 - October 2000) is included. The spatial representation of this database in (ArcView and MapInfo format) is extracted and generated using ArcInfo GIS software to meet the published data standard within the Geoscience Australia. The extraction of the spatial GIS datasets is done within ArcInfo using advanced AML code (ORACOV.AML) developed by Dmitar Butrovski, Geoscience Australia.

Extracted from the Australian Mines Atlas - 24 July 2013

Original source metadata:

Dataset Citation

Geoscience Australia (2013) Australian Mineral Deposits. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 27 November 2017,

General Information
