Dataset: Australian Government ICT Trends Report


The Australian Government introduced the ICT Benchmarking programme to facilitate better practice and rigour in monitoring the efficiency and effectiveness of ICT investments. The Australian Government ICT Trends Report 2014–15 (the Report) informs the general community and industry about Government ICT use and expenditure.
All Non-Corporate Commonwealth agencies participate in the annual ICT benchmarking exercise. Agencies provide data about their ICT costs, personnel and infrastructure. The Department of Finance (Finance) uses the data to assess the whole-of-Australian-Government ICT environment.
The Report provides aggregate figures on:
• total ICT expenditure, breakdowns of expenditure by service tower, and by cost element;
• ICT personnel, including by service tower, whether internal or external, and by level; and
• ICT infrastructure deployed by agencies, including numbers of servers and desktop devices.

The report is also available at

General Information
