Dataset: Gippsland Balook Sand Formation Extent



It was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from Figure 7 of Nicol (2010). You can find a link to the parent datasets in the Lineage Field in this metadata statement. The History Field in this metadata statement describes how this dataset was derived.

The dataset shows the mapped extent of the Balook Formation.


The Balook Formation is an important sand formation in the sedimentary sequence of the Gippsland Basin, providing a conduit for inter-aquifer connectivity.

Dataset History

The extent of the Balook Formation was digitised from the PDF map in Figure 7 of Nicol (2010) using the polygon construction tool within ArcMap 10.2. The source map was georeferenced prior to digitising using the layers TOPO2_5M_FRAMEWORKBOUNDARIES and TOPO2_5M_ROADS (GUID: 310c5d07-5a56-4cf7-a5c8-63bdb001cd1a) to select accurate control points.

Citation: Nicol, C. (2010). Report on transient groundwater flow modelling: West Gippsland CMA. Report for 'ecoMarkets' groundwater models. June 2010, Department of Sustainability and Environment,.

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2014) Gippsland Balook Sand Formation Extent. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 29 September 2017,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
