Dataset: Farms with Significant Degradation Problems (Soil Acidity), 1998-1999


This data relates to the proportion of farms who experienced significant soil
acidity problems in the period 1998-1999. Proportion of farms with significant
soil acidity is reported at the Statistical Division (SD) level for Australia.
This data relates to broadacre and dairy farms run by owner managers. The data
was collected by Resource Management Supplementary (RMS) survey interview
which accompanied the ABARE Annual farm survey in 1998-1999.The data is
presented at a scale of 25000000. Projection -P Albers Equal-Area Conic -D
WGS84 -m 132 -o 0 -p -18 -p -36 -e 0 -n 0The following attributes are
contained within the dataset; Sd_code a a unique 3 digit code for Statistical
Divisions (SD), Sd_name a the name of the Statistical Division (SD),Soil_acid
a the proportion of farmers who experienced problems in 1998-1999.RSE a the
relative standard error for the period 1998-1999.Note that metropolitan areas
are assigned a value of -99999, whilst areas with no data are assigned a value
of -88888.

See [further metadata](
__01811a00.xml) for more detail.

General Information
