Dataset: National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) Version 5.1 - Australia - Key Layer for the Sources of Present (Extant) Vegetation Data


This key layer is the index to the input datasets collated into the Extant (Present) vegetation theme of the NVIS Version 5.1 dataset, from which the Major Vegetation Group and Subgroup products have been derived.

The layer is intended to document and describe the input datasets and assist in dynamic analyses of data quality and gaps in the NVIS extant theme dataset. Important information in the spatial feature class includes the dataset spatial extent (i.e. its "footprint") and dataset number and the state of origin of the underlying dataset. Where more than one dataset have been combined within a footprint, the polygons from each data source are represented separately (particularly in NSW and NT); however, "veg clearing" datasets have not been included directly, to keep the number of polygons manageable. See the real NVIS vector or raster data for such data.

Important information in the associated lookup table (NVIS5_1_LUT_KEY_DSETn, where n is an incremental number for minor updates) joined via DATA_SET_NUMBER includes data source (e.g. State and Territory NVIS or gap-fill), dataset name, publication scale and the on-ground range of dates of the vegetation survey.CC - Attribution (CC BY)
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© Commonwealth of Australia (Department of the Environment and Energy) 2018

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