Dataset: IMOS - ANMN National Reference Station (NRS) Maria Island Mooring


The NRS Maria Island Mooring (IMOS platform code: NRSMAI) is one of a series of national reference stations designed to monitor particular oceanographic phenomena in Australian coastal ocean waters. The mooring is located at 42o 35.80S, 148o 14.00E.

The Maria Island station is the longest high quality ocean time series in the Southern Hemisphere, operating since 1944.

The Maria Island NRS is fitted with two Water Quality Meters (WQM) and telemetry to provide real time data to marine observers and researchers.

Access to the Maria Island real-time data is available via the CSIRO TASMAN website, alongside data from the D'Entrecasteaux Channel and Derwent and Huon Estuaries.

General Information
