This dataset was supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and is presented here as originally supplied. Metadata was not provided and has been compiled by the Bioregional Assessment Programme based on the known details at the time of acquisition
This dataset was sourced from the ABS website: It did not include comprehensive metadata.
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Catalogue Number 2006.0 - Census of Population and Housing: Working Population Profile, 2011 Second Release
This dataset contains the ABS 2011 Working Population profile for 6 LGA's (Local Government Areas) in the Cooper subregion. These include Barcoo, Bulloo, Quilpie, Diamantina, Longreach Regional and Unincorporated SA.
The ABS dataset series is described as follows:
The Community Profile Series contains six separate profiles providing information on key Census characteristics relating to persons, families and dwellings and covering most topics on the Census form. The profiles are excellent tools for researching, planning and analysing small and large geographic areas. They enable comparisons to be made between different geographic areas. The available profiles for the 2011 Census are: Basic Community Profile (BCP), Place of Enumeration Profile (PEP), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples (Indigenous) Profile (IP), Time Series Profile (TSP), Expanded Community Profile (XCP) and the Working Population Profile (WPP).
The Working Population Profile (WPP) contains 23 tables of key Census characteristics of employed persons. The data are based on where people work. The profile includes data on hours worked, industry of employment, occupation, qualifications and method of travel to work etc.
The Working Population Profile spreadsheets within this dataset were downloaded from:
Each LGA spreadsheet was searched for, and downloaded separately.
Australian Bureau of Statistics (2013) ABS Cooper Local Government Areas (LGA) Working Population Profile 2011 Census. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 07 February 2017,