Dataset: Asset database for the Sydney Basin bioregion on 29 March 2016



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme. This dataset was derived from multiple datasets. You can find a link to the parent datasets in the Lineage Field in this metadata statement. The History Field in this metadata statement describes how this dataset was derived.

Asset database for the Sydney Basin bioregion on 29 March 2016(V3) supersedes the previous version of the SSB Asset database V2 (Asset database for the Sydney Basin bioregion on 26 February 2016, GUID: ec85b2e8-b424-4b5a-aabd-ba3e5ac5f425). It contains the Asset database (SSB_asset_database_20160329.mdb), a Geodatabase version for GIS mapping purposes (SSB_asset_database_20160329_GISOnly.gdb), the draft Water Dependent Asset Register spreadsheet (BA-SYD-SSB-130-WaterDependentAssetRegister-AssetList-v20160329.xlsx), a data dictionary (SSB_asset_database_doc_20160329.doc), and a folder (NRM_DOC) containing documentation associated with the Water Asset Information Tool (WAIT) process as outlined below. This version should be used for Materiality Test (M2) test.

The user needs to join the Table Assetlist or Elementlist to the spatial data.

Under the BA program, a spatial assets database is developed for each defined bioregional assessment project. The spatial elements that underpin the identification of water dependent assets are identified in the first instance by regional NRM organisations (via the WAIT tool) and supplemented with additional elements from national and state/territory government datasets. All reports received associated with the WAIT process for Sydney regions are included in the zip file as part of this dataset. Elements are initially included in the preliminary assets database if they are partly or wholly within the bioregion's preliminary assessment extent (Materiality Test 1, M1). Elements are then grouped into assets which are evaluated by project teams to determine whether they meet the second Materiality Test (M2). Assets meeting both Materiality Tests comprise the water dependent asset list. Descriptions of the assets identified in the Sydney bioregion are found in the "AssetList" table of the database. In this version of the database only M1 has been assessed. Assets are the spatial features used by project teams to model scenarios under the BA program. Detailed attribution does not exist at the asset level. Asset attribution includes only the core set of BA-derived attributes reflecting the BA classification hierarchy, as described in Appendix A of "SSB_asset_database_doc_20160329.doc", located in the zip file as part of this dataset. The "Element_to_Asset" table contains the relationships and identifies the elements that were grouped to create each asset. Detailed information describing the database structure and content can be found in the document " SSB_asset_database_doc_20160329.doc" located in the zip file. Some of the source data used in the compilation of this dataset is restricted.

The public version of this asset database can be accessed via the following dataset: Asset database for the Sydney Basin bioregion on 29 March 2016 Public (

Dataset History

VersionID Date_ Notes

1.0 3/08/2015 Initial database.

1.1 18/12/2015 "(1) Added 93 assets/9897elements from 18 datasets required by SSB asset workshop.

                                                       (2) Fixed 22 AIDs in spatial data, which can not directly join  to relevant table in asset database"

2 26/02/2016 "1) Updating for

                                                          (a) Updated Group/SubGroup/Class of Platypus elements and assets to Ecological/ Vegetation/ Habitat (potential species distribution)

                                                          (b)Turned off all economic elements/assets from GWMP (11), SW BWR area (40) and SW WAR area (40)

                                                          (c)Add one point Economic assets from Water access licence 10CA117220 (WAL) 

                                                          (d)Turned off 382 GW point elements and reprocess GW point assets

                                                          (e)Turned off five assets (AID: 63163,63162,63161,63160,63159)  from  GMA data  

                                                          (f)Updated asset name and name rule for previous SCA assets by replacing "(SCA Water Supply Dams)" using "(Sydney water supply dams)" 

                                                          (g) Turn off all four assets of SCA water source areas(AID:  63567, 63568, 63569, 63570)

                                                          (h) Turn off 12 assets of SCA dams.

                                                     (2)Updated for M2 test results from SSB assessment team and create the draft Water Dependent Asset Register file 


3 29/03/2016 " (a) Turn off two assets of ERIN processed NSW WSP (AIDs: 62891 and 62895) using M0 test

(b) Turn of five SW economic point assets grouped by ERIN processed NSW WSP data

(c)Added 12 SW economic point assets grouped by the water rights and water sources from original NSW WSP data

(d) Added 2 NSW GW GMA assets from original NSW GW Macro Plan data using polygons intersected with SSB PAE only.

(e)Resigned GMA titles from original NSW GW Macro Plan data to NSW GW point data and got same result as the current one. The NSW GW point assets do not need regrouping."

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2015) Asset database for the Sydney Basin bioregion on 29 March 2016. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 18 June 2018,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
