Dataset: Surat cumulative management area



This dataset and its metadata statement were supplied to the Bioregional Assessment Programme by a third party and are presented here as originally supplied.

The dataset reflects the spatial extent of the Surat Cumulative Management Area. The area was declared under the Water Act 2000 to aid in identifying and managing overlapping underground water impacts incurred from multiple petroleum tenures.


The Surat Cumulative Management Area was declared under the Water Act 2000 to aid in the assessment and management of overlapping underground water impacts from multiple petroleum tenures, on which activities such as coal seam gas (CSG) operate.The declaration of the Surat CMA enables the assessment of future impacts using a regional modelling approach and the development of management responses, such as monitoring programs, that are relevant to the potential cumulative impacts.It will also enable responsibilities to be assigned, through the DERM approved underground water impact report (produced by the Queensland Water Commission (QWC)), to each petroleum tenure holder in the area for monitoring, bore and baseline assessments, and negotiating make good arrangements.

Dataset History

Selected 'Blocks' as defined by the Petroleum and Gas Act 1923, were used to determine the Surat Cumulative Management Area. As the boundaries of blocks were based upon Parallels and Meridians derived from the Australian Geocentric Datum 1966, The AGD66 National Grid Transformation was used as the grid transformation using software, GDAy 2.1 (QLD Government, NRM) to convert to the Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994. Latitudes and Longitudes (decimal degrees) were then rounded to four decimal places.

Dataset Citation

Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (2011) Surat cumulative management area. Bioregional Assessment Source Dataset. Viewed 11 April 2016,

General Information
