Dataset: Eromanga grids contours



The dataset was derived by the Bioregional Assessment Programme from multiple source datasets. The source datasets are identified in the Lineage field in this metadata statement. The processes undertaken to produce this derived dataset are described in the History field in this metadata statement.

This dataset is comprised of derived thickness grids and contours for the Bandanna and Eromanga Basins within Galilee subregion.

The dataset also contains annotation text and masks for the Eromanga basin.


The annotation text is used for labeling contour values and the cartographic mask is used to clear unwanted features from report maps.

Dataset History

Bandanna data:

Bandanna_thk = DEM (GUID: ebcf6ca2-513a-4ec7-9323-73508c5d7b93) - Top_Bandanna(Steph Hostetler)

This GRID was produced using Arc Catalogue raster calculator tool

Eromanga data:

Eromanga_not_clipped_contour: derived from Grid (Eromanga_thickness_not_clipped)

Eromanga_thickness_not_clipped = DEM (GUID: ebcf6ca2-513a-4ec7-9323-73508c5d7b93) - *layer10 (ESRI GRD)_clp* [GUID: 11dcfa96-2a3e-402d-b6f2-1e90290842f7] This GRID was produced using Arc Catalogue raster calculator tool

Bandanna_contour: derived from the grid (Bandanna_thk) using topo to raster tool in ArcMap.

Annotation text and masks were created using the ArcGIS tool 'FeatureOutlineMasks'

Dataset Citation

Bioregional Assessment Programme (2015) Eromanga grids contours. Bioregional Assessment Derived Dataset. Viewed 07 December 2018,

Dataset Ancestors

General Information
